QRA locator
QRA locator written by Patrick EGLOFF TK5EP
Move the mouse over the map and this page will show you the Maidenhead locator, latitude/longitude coordinates in WGS84 (both decimal and DMS), UTM as well as french Lambert II and DFCI.
You can zoom the map with the help of the mouse wheel or the control on the upper left part of the map.
Via the layer selector on the top-right, different maps are available as well as other options.
Enter a WWlocator in 6 or 8 characters format or address and the map will be centered and zoomed to show the square.
The address can be an address, a city, a country, a postal code. For instance : "Ajaccio","Champs elysees Paris", "Berlin USA", "Berlin DE", 20090,etc...
On the left side, you have different buttons to acces different tools, reload page, Night/day terminator, Maidenhead grid toggle, distance ruler.
The distance ruler, once activated, calculates distance & bearing when clicking different points on the map.
You can chain different points or double-click to end the line.
Switching ruler OFF clears everything.
Please report bugs or comments to the author.
modified for Openstreetmap and geolocation in august 2022
by TK5EP (2014-2023)
WWLoc (6 or 10 char) or address
Lambert II